Data Fingerprinting with Text Data

Query : What would be the correct methodology to detect whether a statement or a word means a “yes” or a “no” using NLP?

Answer :

I can’t tell the precise solution. Since it is the main essence of my research[1],nonetheless I can provide you some heads up.

Our research provides an accuracy of 85–90% when tested with unknown data. Here you can assume that the testing data comprises of such sentences or excepts which can be answered by Yes or No.

For clarification, these type of sentences are categorized as factoid based questions, where answering to all of these statements can be yes or no.

We have used public available SQuAD[2] dataset.

I have found this paper[3] to be concrete and explains in more subtle way.

Hope it helps.


  1. Talentica Data Science - Research Gate Page
  2. Stanfor SQuAD Dataset
  3. Factoid Case Study - Stanford

Good luck.

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